Spiritual Warfare
Many Christians today are losing the battle in spiritual warfare because they lack an adequate knowledge of God's Word. This ignorance has led some people into occult practices that are cleverly...
View ArticleSelling One's Soul
Periodically I receive inquiries from individuals who believe they have 'sold their soul to the devil'. I would like to address that one is not able to sell the soul to any god, 'For every living soul...
View ArticleIn The Name Of Jesus
The contemparary church would do well to follow the example of the early church, not to ignore the demonic, but to focus attention on Jesus, who defeats the demonic. Undue concern and involvement with...
View ArticleCome Out Of Hiding
Wherever you are in your walk as a human being, God Himself would love to reveal Himself to you. You may be a Christian who is surrounded with the 'things' of God; church, bibles, Christian friends,...
View ArticleTelling Yourself the Truth
How is your thought life? Are you under the influence of the Holy Spirit when it comes to what is going on in your mind?Folks, the way and what we think affects everything; the way that we feel and our...
View ArticleWhy I Share My Testimony
When I became a Christian some 20+ years ago, I used to share my testimony rather freely. I met with some rather unusual responses as I was quite naive and rather zealous to win the world for Jesus...
View ArticleOur Move to Florida
Well, we moved. Phew! That was a bigger adventure than I had anticipated...but, we are glad to be back home. Starting a church and still settling in. Church starts next Saturday...no, we aren't Seventh...
View ArticleGod's Judgement is Here
If I told you that Satan himself married someone I know in a Presbyterian church and both afterward flew in a jet to their honeymoon locale drinking champagne, would you buy it? Or, if I told you of...
View ArticleChristian Occult Practices
Thousands, and possible more, practice an occult version of Christianity when they believe and practice that our words carry supernatural power to release favor, ability, opportunity, confidence and...
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